Coyote Medicine -book - Lewis Mehl-Madrona

Song of Heyoka - book - Hyemeyohsts Storm

Where Ever You Go, There You Are -book - Jon Kabbat Zinn

The Way of the Wizard - book - Deepak Chopra

The Pagan Christ - Tom Harpur

Revisioning the Earth - book - Paul Devereux

Animal Speak - book - Ted Andrews

Marriage of the Sun and Moon - book - Dr Andrew Weil

Return of Spirit -book -  Josie Ravenwing

Secrets from a Stargazer's Notebook - Debbie Kempton Smith

Awakening Spirits - book - Tom Brown Jr (or anything else in his line of books)

Who Moved my Cheese -book or audio - Johnson & Blanchard

History Ends in Green -audio - Terence McKenna

A Spiritual Journey - Ram Dass

Expanding Love - Dalai Lama

Spontaneous Awakenings - audio book - Adyashanti (highly recommend this audio series)

New Earth - book or audio - Eckhart Tolle - Another wonderful piece on Awakening - great author


Power of Myth -video series - Joseph Campbell

Mythos -video series - Joseph Campbell 

Water - movie by Deepa Mehta (The politics of religion)

Earth - movie by Deepa Mehta (The politics of nationalism)

Fire - movie by Deepa Mehta (The politics of sexuality)

Born Into Brothels - documentary -Truly inspiring!

Eve and the Fire Horse - movie -beware of those long life noodles!

What the Bleep Do We Know - movie/documentary - Excellent presentation drawing together mysticism and science. I highly recommend this movie.

Life of Brian - movie -Monty Python's -(closest thing to the Heyoka model)

The Matrix - movie -(closest thing to the shamanic model)

The Cup - movie (just a nice movie)

Words of My Perfect Teacher - documentary about Norbu Rinpoche, who was the Lama director of the Cup...a soccer loving assassin of the Ego.

Samsara - movie -Satisfy 1000 desires or conquer just one! Beautifully filmed.

Little Buddha -movie -Yes I know Keanu Reaves as Buddha is a little strange but it is a good telling of the Buddha story. Enlightenment...woh!

Enlightenment Guaranteed -movie -German movie set in a Japanese monastary

Spring Summer Autumn Winter...and Spring -movie - beautifully filmed, delivers its message

Devil's Advocate -movie -Maybe not what you think about when you consider a spiritual message but it has a an interesting take

Baraka - incredible visual odyssey (along the lines of Anima Mundi which I also recommend if you can find a copy)

Doors of Compassion - documentary -Thich Nhat Hahn

Awakening to Zero Point - documentary - Greg Braden