We have started collecting comments and testimonials from clients.


If you have a story to share then please feel free to send an e-mail and I will post them on this page
(we will only use initials out of respect for privacy)


E-mail  your comments




This client came to me as a "distance healing" Vortex client in the autumn of 2004.  At the time, mobility was severely compromised due to pain from a rotator cuff tear.  There was also severe stomach problems (due to medication side effects-morphine and anti-inflammatory drugs) and hip pain (due to past injuries).  The client had been through a number of surgeries...including 3 spinal surgeries (one of them being 8 hours in duration).  At the outset she was doubtful it would work, but  decided to try as nothing else was working.  Almost immediately the pain was lessened and within three months I am happy to say we were able to address all three problems.

Her personal comment was as follows:

"...About four months ago Robert began working with me.  I am happy to say his ministrations have made a huge difference in my life.  In the joints and spine there have been further improvement.  As well the gastric ailments appear to be healing.  There is very little discomfort.  I am most pleased!

H.G. St Rose Manitoba




I've seen Robert Oakes as a holistic Practitioner for various health issues. He used Homeopathic, Herbs and energy work to assist in my speedy recovery, and balance in my health. With regards to my chronic health concerns, Robert gave me natural remedies that work very well to clear up infections and other concerns. He also counselled me regarding emotional issues. He is a gifted Healer and I highly recommend him to anyone who is open to alternative medicines and is willing to work on their issues. Thank you Robert for your assistance with my healing.

S.B., Ladysmith BC




For most women well past middle age, various and sundry ills tend to become acceptable. For me I have had to cope with M.S. (thankfully mostly in remission) and C.O.P.D. (respiratory distress). When these get triggered though, breathing, balance and endurance become a problem. A recent shoulder injury added pain to the equation. I was fortunate though to become a patient of Robert Oakes and his healing powers have made a profound difference to my life, both physiologically and spiritually. I am now able to do many things without pain, and my range of motion has returned. I expect to be able to return to work as a gardener this summer. My mental attitude has improved, and I am more grateful than I can say for Robert's kind influence in our lives.

S.W - Salt Spring Island